Internationally Renowned Pain Expert Releases Secret
Mind-Body Relief System That Melts Menstrual Aches Away in Just Minutes!
Without having to suffer through any kind of exercise or diet restrictions at all.
“My mommy is a monster.”
“When she’s mad, she’s scary.”

These were the words my seven-year-old son said as he described me to his teacher.

Hearing those words, my heart fell and broke into a million pieces.

I found out that he yelled at his classmate during art class when he refused to lend her the red crayon. He pushed her to the floor when she insisted.

Horrified, I asked him why he did that.

“Mommy, you pushed daddy when you were mad.”

Feeling a lump in my throat, I looked away.

I couldn’t look straight into the eyes Luke’s teacher. I felt like I had failed as a mother.

“Lisa. I hope you can help us understand why Luke can’t control his anger,” his teacher said.
I was out of words. I didn’t know what to say. But I knew what I needed to do.
I wanted to be the best mom for him.

Like other moms, I wanted to raise a happy, respectful, and thriving individual.

I wanted him to know how to manage his emotions.

But it was obvious that he was struggling.

How would others be judging my son? What would they be saying about me as a parent?
I felt Like a Failure as a Mother My son couldn’t control his anger  because he saw how I lacked control over my own impulses when I was in pain … Especially during my menstrual cycle
He watched a particularly nasty incident just last month.

My usual monthly cycle of misery had started. It started with a mild headache that morning, but by afternoon the deep, pressing pressure in my lower stomach had started. I took a couple of pills, but they scratched the surface of my symptoms. I felt queasy and lost my appetite. Even worse, I felt irritable and sad, knowing that my actual period was still DAYS away! This was only the beginning of my monthly nightmare.

The next day was even worse. I woke up in a fetal position, with painful, stabbing cramps and a pounding in my head. I felt irritable and groggy. Unfortunately,I didn’t have time to lie in my bed feeling sorry for myself. As a working mom, I needed to get my son ready for school before heading off to work myself. I literally dragged myself out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom to take even more medication.

While dragging myself through my usual morning routine, my husband simply asked if I could take Luke to soccer practice that day. It was a simple, innocent question…

And I lost my temper - badly

I yelled and pushed my way past my husband when he was standing in my way…

My son, Luke, was there in the room.…

I didn’t realize that he heard and saw everything…

Children learn what they live - and Luke was living a nightmare.

Each month, my child was watching me hide in my room in pain, down countless pills, suffer through days being miserable and irritable - and taking it all out on those I love.

He was now imitating me, and that's horrifying.…

I was devastated. I knew I needed to do better. I needed to find a better way to manage my physical and emotional distress. I started doing research on effective alternatives to managing my menstrual symptoms.

All of this led me to…
Discover the Primary Cause of Menstrual Cramps and the 25-Minute Mind-Body Relief System That Melts Menstrual Aches Away
If this sounds too good to be true, I understand because I felt the same way. But I also knew I needed to take note. I was willing to try anything that would help me manage my pain and live a better life.

… and I am grateful for this program because:

I went from being irritable and impatient…
To feeling happier and more focused in just 25 minutes daily.

I am able to face daily challenges with light-heartedness.

I am in control of my emotions and can easily calm myself whenever I feel overwhelmed at home and at work.

My colleagues noticed the difference in my mood and said I smile a lot now.I can’t wait to show you how this mind-body relief system works!

Remember - I had already tried other remedies that were merely ‘band-aid’ solutions that worked temporarily to lessen symptoms - AT BEST! Perhaps you’ve done the same?:

  • Heating pads or heat patches
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Acupuncture
  • aromatherapy
  • Acupressure
To truly understand why this revolutionary new system is so effective, it helps to know:
What happens during your period?
A hormone and two lipids are released to the uterine wall. They cause strong contractions of the uterus, making your lower belly throb and ache.

You try to ignore it, but it gets overwhelmingly painful.

You try to distract yourself unsuccessfully. You struggle to go through your usual routine and complete everyday tasks. Or you spend hours lying in bed, hoping the cramps will go away. You lose your appetite - or can’t stop bingeing.

It’s impossible to feel ‘normal’. Your emotions are in turmoil as the pain grows.

Amazingly, with the 25-Minute Mind-Body Relief system decreases the amount of a specific hormone that is released. This safely and effectively reduces menstrual pain - before it can take over. . You can go back to your everyday life in no time.


Studies from leading universities worldwide show the effects of these hormones and two lipids can be scaled down.

Quite simply, this means:

  • Less bodily pain
  • Less abdominal swelling
  • Less breast tenderness
  • Less abdominal cramps 
Your outlook on life, energy levels, social willingness, and mental health also improve.

I was skeptical at first about this mind-body relief.

But when I thought about my son…

I knew I NEEDED to try it.

And I am so happy that I did!

I also shared this system with my friends who suffered from menstrual discomfort, and they loved it!
After one week of using this mind-body relief system you’ll notice …
… You feel less pain in the lower abdomen, back, or thighs
… You feel less bloated
… You feel less stressed
… You feel less fatigued
… You have less anxiety
… You feel less depressed
… You have less headaches
… You have more energy and are able to focus on yourself, your family, and your career.
Leading researchers from the United States, South Korea, and Taiwan support this solution…

Women have a visit from Aunt Flo every month… Unfortunately, menstrual spasms are part of this monthly cycle

But you CAN do something about these painful periods so they stop controlling your life.

Let me tell you how.
Hi, I’m Lisa Travis.

I’m a working mom living in Bensenville, Illinois, with my husband and son, Luke.

Almost like clockwork each month, I was held hostage by my menstrual pain and uncontrollable emotions.

I was running on anxiety, tension, and moodiness that was off the charts.

The people closest to me would often look with concern as I tried in vain to control my menstrual symptoms.

I felt the walls were closing in on me, my anger boiling and bubbling up from within.

I would turn into this monster that I didn’t even recognize!

A monster to my family and anyone around me..

Today, I thought back to the last time I was suffering with my menstrual symptoms. In a fit of exasperation, I blew up at my husband for something completely trivial.

I screamed and stomped around just because he said he couldn’t bring Luke to his soccer practice.

I was so consumed by my anger that I didn’t realize our son, Luke, was in the room. I’ll never forget the scared look in his eyes.
Instantly, he became timid and retreated to another room, and I felt a surge of guilt when I noticed this reaction.

Little did I know a little monster was brewing in Luke.

A week after that, I got the call from Luke’s teacher that changed my world..

Exasperated, I took a deep breath, took my bag and keys, and headed to Luke’s school.
I found my son sitting at the teacher’s desk, looking scared and confused.

I sat beside him, feeling embarrassed, mad, and helpless. His teacher could see I was crushed.

She explained that it was important to get to the root of Luke’s recent outbursts, because if the behavior didn’t change, there would be big consequences.
My heart was pounding…
My body was shaking…
It was all my fault!
My way of handling stress
pushed my son to become a bully!
This was the last straw…
I had to take action immediately!
I had to find a safe and effective way to manage my mental and physical menstrual symptoms.

I searched the internet, asked medical experts, and read up on common methods for addressing menstrual symptoms.

Heating pads only decreased my cramps temporarily - but did nothing to reduce the stabbing sensation in my head or my fluctuating moods.

I was afraid of overusing painkillers. They have other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, and stomach problems.

Acupuncture was another recommendation I received and decided to try. I had to go through at least six acupuncture sessions to get the most out of it, costing me hundreds of dollars and hours of time Still, the next month the nightmare continued.

I changed my diet, drank lots of water, and took hot baths. Every suggestion I tried didn’t even scratch the surface of my symptoms.

But I wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet.

I knew I had to keep pushing, no matter how hopeless it seemed.

I could never give up.

After hours of relentless hunting, I learned about the program that changed my life...

I was at a bookstore on a cloudy afternoon, perusing a book about menstrual cramps, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I was about to protest when I heard a familiar voice. “Hey there! I thought that was you!”

Turning around, I was surprised to find Connie, an old friend from high school.

She asked me what I was looking for and I told her my problem.

Surprisingly, Connie had also experienced the same struggles.

I asked her what she did, and she invited me to coffee.

She told me her story …
After years of suffering with debilitating menstrual pain and fluctuating mood swings, she went to her gynecologist and asked why women suffer from menstrual cramps.

Her doctor said,

“It’s because of the hormone called vasopressin and the lipids called prostaglandins."

They are produced in the uterus during menstruation so the body can expel menstrual blood. 
They are produced in the uterus during menstruation so the body can expel menstrual blood. 

However, the excessive production of prostaglandins F2alpha (PGF-2a) and PGF 2 from the uterine inner wall causes the uterus to have strong contractions. 

Vasopressin increases uterine contractility. It can lead to pain due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the uterus.”   
Connie asked the Doctor:
Do women need to suffer excruciating discomfort every month?
Connie asked the Doctor:

Do women need to suffer excruciating discomfort every month?

After years of living with cramps, headaches, fatigue, miserable mood swings, and countless home remedies and expensive medications, she did an exhaustive online search for answers. She came across a study from the National Library of Medicine about a mind-body relief program that has helped thousands of women reduce their menstrual discomfort.

At first, Connie was skeptical but eventually was convinced.

The study of four trials with 230 participants showed that there is a strong connection between a mind-body relief program and reducing menstrual discomfort.

It is possible to reduce menstrual symptoms

So what is this revolutionary mind-body system that changed Connie’s - and then my life forever?It is a new technique called VasoProst Curb - that attacks painful menstrual symptoms before they can escalate - saving you hours and days of misery!

After a few weeks, Connie noticed a significant difference in her body.

She was no longer struggling to make it through her days because of debilitating cramps. She was actually thriving!

Her husband and her boss noticed a difference in her behavior and attitude.

She was slowly getting back to her old self again. This time without the fear of constant menstrual discomfort and mood swings.

So - what is this VasoProst Curb technique?
VasoProst Curb is a specialized form of yoga that eases menstrual discomfort in just 25-minutes.

It is an easy, gentle, and effective mind-body relief system that relaxes the blood vessels.

It increases blood flow in the uterus, lessening menstrual symptoms.

The VasoProst Curb yoga technique was designed by internationally renowned pain and injury experts, Becca Stanley and Rick Kaselj. 
Rick Kaselj, MS
Rebecca Stanley
10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort
This breakthrough program uses the therapeutic VasoProst Curb technique that is proven to provide relief from any distressful menstrual symptoms.

It helps manage:
2 yoga poses included in the program:

Banana Pose: This pose can help release tension from muscles in the back, pelvic, and on the lateral side of the abdomen.

Knees to Belly: This pose eases stress and provides abdominal massage by stretching the lower back.

Awareness of Peripheral Limbs & Circulation: A great technique to lessen discomfort in your muscles and increase your body's core strength.

The yoga instructor is Becca and I loved how she explained each yoga pose clearly.

I began with some gentle poses, and soon my body relaxed..

My mind expanded, my breathing deepened, and my pain began to ease.

After seven days, my husband noticed that my mood had changed.

I felt much lighter and happier. I easily completed my day-to-day tasks without issues.

My colleagues noticed the change in me too. Everyone was much more relaxed around me, and the atmosphere was generally calmer.

I was so happy with the results that I asked my friends to join me in trying it out.

Everyone loved it!

There was something cathartic about 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort. I could feel my stress and anxieties start to fade away.

I could feel my angst and anger melting away, replaced by calmness, clarity, and confidence.
My husband noticed the change in me.

We became closer than before. He could finally see the real me..

I was able to teach my son the importance of controlling his emotions. Also, I explained to him how bullying should never be tolerated.

I could see the difference in him too — he was more understanding and patient with others.

I am no longer the person I was before.

I am in tune with myself, with my husband and my son, and with the world around me.

I am no longer a prisoner to my menstrual discomfort.

And you can change your life for the better too…
Right now and only on this webpage,
 you can finally get the Lasting
Menstrual Relief you desperately need.

10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort
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Here are just a few snippets of stories from women like you who have found ultimate relief with this program. 
"I am a believer. . I am forever grateful for the change 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort has brought to my life."
Clara Juarez from Anoka, Minnesota
"This has been an incredible experience, and I'm so grateful to have finally found something that works. It's hard to believe that something so simple could provide such profound relief."
Melissa Williams from Connellsville, Pennsylvania
"I was able to improve my mood and ease my symptoms I wish I had discovered this program years ago."
Lauren Nelson from Loon Lake, Washington
"I was so glad that I decided to give this program a try. It has exceeded my expectations and I couldn't recommend it enough."
Kimberley Koskovich from Havre De Grace, Maryland
"10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Discomfort changed my life. Now I don’t have to worry about menstrual cramps. I continue to use this program and share it with my loved ones."
Rebecca Fabi from North Brunswick, New Jersey
You can’t find this special program to ease menstrual discomfort anywhere else, so it’s time to take action
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It is easy, gentle, effective, and AFFORDABLE!

Another great thing about 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort is you can do this anytime, anywhere!

No gym membership, expensive equipment, or any special clothing is necessary.

You can complete the program in the comfort of your own home and on your own time , no matter the weather or schedule.

The program can help you manage period-related pain without spending a fortune.

It is also adjustable to your own pace!

Whether you are a beginner or advanced, the poses can be modified for your level of ability.

You can listen to your body, take breaks whenever you need, and push yourself just the right amount.

You will feel a sense of accomplishment as you complete this program without any fear or judgement.

You can finally do everything you want without worrying about pain or mood swings…

You can work, travel, hang out with your family and friends, go shopping, and just enjoy life!

If you have been living in pain from menstrual discomfort every month, now is the time to act.

Make the most out of your life, no matter what day of the month it is.
Right now and only on this webpage,
 you can finally get the Lasting
Menstrual Relief you desperately need.

10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort
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Even more good news?

10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort comes with with a 60 day, 100% money-back guarantee!

With no risk involved, you can't go wrong.

You'll have access to the online video and PDF manual. You can download them to your phone or computer and practice 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort anytime, anywhere.

And if you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can get your money back!

This money-back guarantee shows you that we believe in what we offer and are confident you'll be satisfied.

So why wait?

To help promote even further relaxation and help you along your road to healing, the first 100 people to try the VasoProst Curb techniques in 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort will receive:
Meditation – From Fight or Flight to Rest and Digest
This video is the perfect companion to 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort. Play this meditation walk-through at any time to help promote relaxation, calm your nervous system, and realign your senses.

So, what do you have to lose? Aside from your pain and suffering?

You can download 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort instantly and begin your path toward a life free from menstrual pain.

Additionally, a comprehensive pdf manual is included. This provides a comprehensive guide to each exercise, ensuring you can have confidence in performing them correctly.

Furthermore, this program is backed by a GUARANTEE.
Right now and only on this webpage,
 you can finally get the Lasting
Menstrual Relief you desperately need.

10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort
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Now, you’ve come this far, and you are facing two options that lead in two different directions…

Option #1: You can choose to leave this page. You return to the usual methods, from heating pads to taking painkillers to massage…
And maybe, you will feel a little better but the relief doesn’t last long.

You continue to suffer sharp pangs, dull aches, nausea, and irritability.

You would be hit with a wave of unbearable pain that left you unable to focus on anything…

Eventually, you couldn’t get out of bed...

You couldn't prepare breakfast for your family...

You couldn't get yourself ready to work...

You couldn't finish the report that your boss expected you to submit that day...

You couldn't even go out with your friends.

You are stuck in your bedroom, lying in bed in a fetal position, and writhing in pain…

Unable to fulfill your role at home and at work, you feel you’re failing your family and friends …

I understand that this is not something you desire.
That’s why I’m showing you the second option… 
Try the 10 Yoga Poses to 
Decrease Menstrual Discomfort 
You wake up on the first day of your period with a smile on your face…

A dull ache is the first thing you feel but you take a deep breath and prop yourself out of bed.

You feel determined to make the most of this day. You were ready to do anything.

At work, you are ready to take on what the day brings. You feel you could conquer anything.

No more worries about low belly aches…

No more worries about low back pain…

No more worries about mood swings…

No more worries about getting all worked up over little things…

No more worries about missing work or special family days on red days…

You feel a deep joy in her heart, knowing that it is possible to overcome menstrual discomfort.

You find a unique strength within yourself that you never knew you had.
Taking the steps to try 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort is totally risk-free!
A 100% satisfaction guarantee
Yes, I couldn’t believe it myself – the program comes with a 60 day, 100% guarantee
If you want to manage menstrual symptoms without having to take medication, go to the gym, or undergo methods that use needles…

And you want to feel more relaxed and more focused as you fulfill your day-to-day responsibilities on your period…

Order the 10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort, NOW!
Right now and only on this webpage,
 you can finally get the Lasting
Menstrual Relief you desperately need.

10 Yoga Poses to Decrease Menstrual Discomfort
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Tsai S-Y. Effect of Yoga Exercise on Premenstrual Symptoms among Female Employees in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016; 13(7):721.

Kim, S. (2019). Yoga for menstrual pain in primary dysmenorrhea: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 36, 94-99.

Yang, N. Y., & Kim, S. D. (2016). Effects of a Yoga Program on Menstrual Cramps and Menstrual Distress in Undergraduate Students with Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 22(9), 732–738.

Rakhshaee, Z. (2011). Effect of Three Yoga Poses (Cobra, Cat and Fish Poses) in Women with Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 24(4), 192–196.

Oates, J. (2017). The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual Disorders: A Systematic Review. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 23(6), 407–417.

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Prabhu, S., Nagrale, S., Shyam, A., & Sancheti, P. (2019). EFFECT OF YOGASANAS ON MENSTRUAL CRAMPS IN YOUNG ADULT FEMALES WITH PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, 7(4), 3129–3134.

Durain, D. (2004). Primary Dysmenorrhea: Assessment and Management Update. Journal of Midwifery &Amp; Women’s Health, 49(6), 520–528.

Åkerlund, M. (1979). Pathophysiology of Dysmenorrhea. Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 58(s87), 27–32. [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Period pains: Can anti-inflammatory drugs help? 2007 Nov 16 [Updated 2019 Aug 1]. Available from:

Arora, S., & Bhattacharjee, J. (2008). Modulation of immune responses in stress by Yoga. International Journal of Yoga, 1(2), 45.

Ashok CImpact of asanas and pranayama on blood oxygen saturation levelBritish Journal of Sports Medicine 2010;44:i69.
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